A G1-like state allows HIV-1 to bypass SAMHD1 restriction in macrophages


Mlcochova, P. et al., 2017. A G1-like state allows HIV-1 to bypass SAMHD1 restriction in macrophages. EMBO J, 36, pp.604-616.

Date Published:

Mar 1


An unresolved question is how HIV-1 achieves efficient replication in terminally differentiated macrophages despite the restriction factor SAMHD1. We reveal inducible changes in expression of cell cycle-associated proteins including MCM2 and cyclins A, E, D1/D3 in macrophages, without evidence for DNA synthesis or mitosis. These changes are induced by activation of the Raf/MEK/ERK kinase cascade, culminating in upregulation of CDK1 with subsequent SAMHD1 T592 phosphorylation and deactivation of its antiviral activity. HIV infection is limited to these G1-like phase macrophages at the single-cell level. Depletion of SAMHD1 in macrophages decouples the association between infection and expression of cell cycle-associated proteins, with terminally differentiated macrophages becoming highly susceptible to HIV-1. We observe both embryo-derived and monocyte-derived tissue-resident macrophages in a G1-like phase at frequencies approaching 20%, suggesting how macrophages sustain HIV-1 replication in vivo Finally, we reveal a SAMHD1-dependent antiretroviral activity of histone deacetylase inhibitors acting via p53 activation. These data provide a basis for host-directed therapeutic approaches aimed at limiting HIV-1 burden in macrophages that may contribute to curative interventions.


Mlcochova, PetraSutherland, Katherine AWatters, Sarah ABertoli, Cosettade Bruin, Rob AmRehwinkel, JanNeil, Stuart JLenzi, Gina MKim, BaekKhwaja, AsimGage, Matthew CGeorgiou, ChristianaChittka, AlexandraYona, SimonNoursadeghi, MahdadTowers, Greg JGupta, Ravindra KengG0801172/Medical Research Council/United KingdomG9721629/Medical Research Council/United KingdomT32 GM008602/GM/NIGMS NIH HHS/R01 AI049781/AI/NIAID NIH HHS/R01 GM104198/GM/NIGMS NIH HHS/MC_UU_12010/8/Medical Research Council/United KingdomR56 AI049781/AI/NIAID NIH HHS/Wellcome Trust/United KingdomWT108082AIA/Wellcome Trust/United Kingdom339223/European Research Council/InternationalResearch Support, N.I.H., ExtramuralResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tEnglandEMBO J. 2017 Mar 1;36(5):604-616. doi: 10.15252/embj.201696025. Epub 2017 Jan 25.